The American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) is a non-profit organization that supports and promotes literary translation and translators.
ALTA awards five major prizes at the annual ALTA conference: the National Translation Awards in Poetry and Prose, for exceptional books of translated literature published within the previous year; the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize, for an outstanding work of Asian literature published within the previous year; the Italian Prose in Translation Award (IPTA), for an exceptional work of Italian prose in English translation published within the previous year; the Spain-USA Foundation Translation Award (SUFTA) for an exceptional work of prose by a Spanish (Spain) author published within the previous year; and the ALTA First Translation Prize for an exceptional debut literary translation published within the previous year. We also offer the ALTA Travel Fellowships for emerging translators to attend the annual conference, including the Peter K. Jansen Memorial Travel Fellowship for an emerging translator of color or a translator working from an underrepresented diaspora or stateless language.
Submissions are accepted from mid-January through mid-March via Submittable only.
Any questions about awards may be directed to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at
ALTA administers the ALTA Emerging Translator Mentorship Program, which is designed to establish and facilitate a close working relationship between an experienced translator and an emerging translator on a project selected by the emerging translator. Learn more about the program on our website.
Submissions are accepted from early September through late November via Submittable only.
Please find answers to your questions about ALTA's Mentorship Program on our program FAQ page! If you don't see the answer to your question there, you may write to Program Manager Kelsi Vanada at
Find out more about us on our website. Follow us on Facebook, BlueSky, and Instagram.
The National Translation Award is awarded annually to a literary translator who has made an outstanding contribution to literature in English by masterfully recreating the artistic force of a book of consummate quality. Established in 1998, the NTA is the only prize for a work of literary translation into English to include an evaluation of the source language text. The NTA is given out in poetry and in prose. Hybrid works and drama are welcome, and may be submitted to either category as determined appropriate by the publisher. Publishers are invited to submit translated works of prose published in 2024 using this form.
Please note: Only publishers may submit to this award.
Recent winners include Bill Johnston (2019 Poetry), Karen Emmerich (2019 Prose), Jake Levine, Soeun Seo, and Hedgie Choi (2020 Poetry), Jordan Stump (2020 Prose), Geoffrey Brock (2021 Poetry), Tejaswini Niranjana (2021 Prose), D. M. Black (2022 Poetry), Martin Aitken (2022 Prose), Robyn Creswell (2023 Poetry), Nguyễn An Lý (2023 Prose), Cole Swensen (2024 Poetry), and Jamie Richards (2024 Prose).
The award-winning translator for 2025 will receive a $4,000 award. The publisher of the winning book will be asked to send one (1) copy of the title to ALTA.
To be eligible for the 2024 National Translation Award, the translation must be:
- from any language into English
- of a book-length work of fiction, literary non-fiction, drama in prose, or hybrid prose forms by a single translator or by a team of up to (but not exceeding) four collaborative translators
- published anywhere in the world in 2024
The deadline for nominating books published in 2024 is March 17, 2025 at 11:59pm PT. Further information regarding eligibility for the NTA and the awards procedures may be found here.
For books chosen by the judges for the longlist, publishers will be asked to provide the original-language text as a digital copy; any finalist for which no original-language text is provided will be excluded from further consideration.
Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18, 2025.
The timeline for the 2025 NTA in Prose is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Early September: Longlists announced
Late September: Shortlists announced
Early November 2025: Winners announced at conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
The National Translation Award is awarded annually to a literary translator who has made an outstanding contribution to literature in English by masterfully recreating the artistic force of a book of consummate quality. Established in 1998, the NTA is the only prize for a work of literary translation into English to include an evaluation of the source language text. The NTA is given out in poetry and in prose. Hybrid works and drama are welcome, and may be submitted to either category as determined appropriate by the publisher. Publishers are invited to submit translated works of poetry published in 2024 using this form.
Please note: Only publishers may submit to this award.
Recent winners include Bill Johnston (2019 Poetry), Karen Emmerich (2019 Prose), Jake Levine, Soeun Seo, and Hedgie Choi (2020 Poetry), Jordan Stump (2020 Prose), Geoffrey Brock (2021 Poetry), Tejaswini Niranjana (2021 Prose), D. M. Black (2022 Poetry), Martin Aitken (2022 Prose), Robyn Creswell (2023 Poetry), Nguyễn An Lý (2023 Prose), Cole Swensen (2024 Poetry), and Jamie Richards (2024 Prose).
The award-winning translator for 2025 will receive a $4,000 award. The publisher of the winning book will be asked to send one (1) copy of the title to ALTA.
To be eligible for the 2025 National Translation Award, the translation must be:
- from any language into English
- of a book-length work of poetry, prose poetry, or verse drama (hybrid words welcome) by a single translator or by a team of up to (but not exceeding) four collaborative translators
- published anywhere in the world in 2024
The deadline for nominating books published in 2024 is March 17, 2024 at 11:59pm PT. Further information regarding eligibility for the NTA and the awards procedures may be found here.
For books chosen by the judges for the longlist, publishers will be asked to provide the original-language text as a digital copy promptly; any finalist for which no original-language text is provided will be excluded from further consideration.
Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18, 2025.
The timeline for the 2025 NTA in Poetry is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Early September: Longlists announced
Late September: Shortlists announced
Early November: Winner announced at ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
The ALTA First Translation Prize, inaugurated in 2024, recognizes the work of emerging literary translators and their editors. This annual prize is open to all genres, and awards one debut literary translation from any other language into English published in the previous calendar year. Translators based anywhere in the world and translations published anywhere in the world are eligible.
The winner will be recognized, alongside the other prizes administered by ALTA, at the Awards Ceremony held at the annual ALTA conference. They will receive a cash prize of $3,000, with $2,000 bestowed to the translator and $1,000 to the editor.
This prize is inspired by the TA First Translation Prize in the UK, which was founded in 2017 by Daniel Hahn and is administered by the Society of Authors.
Eligibility for the ALTA First Translation Prize:
- Submissions may be made by translators OR publishers for this prize. Publishers are expected to have informed translators of their intent to submit to this award
- Books must be the full-length debut literary translation of the translator (if translator has published other books or sorts of translation in the past, that is acceptable; this prize honors first book-length literary translations)
- Books of all genres are accepted
- The book must have been published anywhere in the world in English translation, from any other language, by a single translator based anywhere in the world
- The book must have been published in the previous calendar year (for example, books published in 2024 are eligible for the 2025 awards cycle)
Please note: Self-published books are not eligible. Chapbooks are not counted as full-length publications for this prize. Co-translations are not eligible; if a translator has previously published a co-translated book, their debut solo translation is eligible for this prize. Translators may have published other shorter literary works previously (such as in journals or anthologies); this prize is to honor a translator’s first book-length work.
There will be no fee charged to submit to this prize.
The deadline for submissions to the 2025 ALTA First Translation Prize is March 17, 2025, 11:59pm PT. Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18.
The timeline for the 2025 ALTA First Translation Prize is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Mid-September: Shortlist announced
Early November: Winner announced at ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
The Italian Prose in Translation Award (IPTA), inaugurated in 2015, recognizes the importance of contemporary Italian prose (fiction and literary non-fiction) and promotes the translation of Italian works into English.
This $5,000 prize is awarded annually to a translator of a recent work of Italian prose (fiction or literary non-fiction). The publisher of the winning book will be asked to send two (2) copies of the title to ALTA.
Recent winners of the IPTA include Simon Carnell & Erica Segre (2019), Frederika Randall (2020), Stephen Twilley (2021), Anna Chiafele & Lisa Pike (2022), Michael F. Moore (2023), and Jenny McPhee (2024).
To be eligible for the Italian Prose in Translation Award, works must be:
- book-length translations into English of prose (fiction or literary non-fiction)
- translated from Italian into English
- published in the previous calendar year
Translators and publishers may submit eligible titles using this form.
Submissions will be judged according to the literary significance of the original and the success of the translation in recreating the literary artistry of the original. While the IPTA is primarily intended to recognize the translation of contemporary works, re-translations or first-time translations of important older works will also be seriously considered.
The deadline for submissions to the 2025 Italian Prose in Translation Award is March 17, 2025, 11:59pm PT. Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18.
The timeline for the 2025 IPTA is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Mid-September: Shortlist announced
Early November: Winner announced at ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
The Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize, which was inaugurated in 2009, recognizes the importance of Asian translation for international literature and promotes the translation of Asian works into English. Stryk was an internationally acclaimed translator of Japanese and Chinese Zen poetry, renowned Zen poet himself, and former professor of English at Northern Illinois University.
The award-winning translator for 2025 will receive a $10,000 award. The publisher of the winning book will be asked to send two (2) copies of the title to ALTA.
Translators and publishers may submit eligible titles using this form.
Recent winners include Red Pine (2010), Charles Egan (2011), Don Mee Choi (2012), Lucas Klein (2013), Jonathan Chaves (2014), Eleanor Goodman (2015), Sawako Nakayasu (2016), Jennifer Feeley (2017), Bonnie Huie (2018), Don Mee Choi (2019), and Jake Levine, Soeun Seo, and Hedgie Choi (2020), Archana Venkatesan (2021), Jae Kim (2022), Wong May (2023), and Wen-chi Li and Colin Bramwell (2024).
To be eligible for the 2025 Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize, works must be:
- book-length translations into English of either a) poetry or b) source texts from Zen Buddhism (which must not consist solely of commentaries)
- translations from Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Thai, Vietnamese, Kannada, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean into English
- published in 2024
Submissions will be judged according to the literary significance of the original and the success of the translation in recreating the literary artistry of the original. While the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize is primarily intended to recognize the translation of contemporary works, re-translations or first-time translations of important older works will also be seriously considered.
The deadline for nominating books published in 2024 is March 17, 2025 at 11:59pm PT. Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18, 2025.
The timeline for the 2025 Lucien Stryk Prize is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Mid-September: Shortlist announced
Early November: Winner announced at the ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
The Spain-USA Foundation Translation Award (SUFTA), inaugurated in 2022, is offered by the American Literary Translators Association in conjunction with the Spain-USA Foundation.
The award recognizes translations into English of literary prose works written originally by authors of Spanish (Spain) nationality. The source language of the original text may be Spanish, Catalan, Basque, or Galician. The author need not be living for the work to be eligible for the prize.
The winner of the SUFTA will be recognized, alongside the other prizes administered by ALTA, at the Awards Ceremony held at the annual ALTA conference, and will be awarded a $5,000 prize. The publisher of the winning book will be asked to send two (2) copies of the title to ALTA.
Translators and publishers may submit eligible titles using this form.
To be eligible for the 2025 Spain-USA Foundation Translation Award, works must be:
- Submissions may be made by publishers OR translators for this prize
- The book must be a translation from Spanish, Catalan, Basque, or Galician into English, and by an author of Spanish (Spain) nationality
- The book may be translated by a translator based anywhere in the world, individually or in a team of up to, but not exceeding, four (4) co-translators
- The book must have been published in the United States by a U.S.- or Canada-based press in the previous calendar year (for example, to be eligible for the 2025 awards cycle, the book must have been published in 2024)
- Only prose books (literary fiction and nonfiction) are eligible
The deadline for nominating books published in 2024 is March 17, 2025, 11:59pm PT. Upon completion of the submission, publishers will receive instructions for mailing print copies of submitted titles to those judges who request them. The postmark deadline for mailing hard copies is March 18, 2025.
The timeline for the 2025 SUFTA is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Mid-September: Shortlist announced
Early November: Winner announced at ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at We look forward to seeing your submissions!
Each year, a number of $1,000 fellowships are awarded to emerging translators to help them participate in the annual ALTA conference.
For the ALTA Travel Fellowships, an emerging translator is someone who does not yet have a book-length work of translation published or under contract. ALTA considers chapbooks to be book-length publications for the Travel Fellowships. The ALTA Travel Fellowships are open to individual translators (not teams of co-translators).
We strive for inclusivity and diversity in our applicants. We welcome applicants of all backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability status, educational level or professional experience, including those with prior training or experience in non-literary translation; those who are speakers of Indigenous languages; and those who are heritage speakers of languages other than English. While the Travel Fellowships are open to all applicants, we especially encourage applications from translators of color, translators with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ translators.
Among the fellowships is the Peter K. Jansen Memorial Travel Fellowship, which is preferentially awarded to an emerging translator of color or a translator working from an underrepresented diaspora or stateless language. Applicants for the Jansen Fellowship should apply using the below ALTA Travel Fellowship application, and check the Jansen Fellowship eligibility box in the application form.
ALTA Travel Fellowships are funded by a combination of member dues and private donations, often generously provided by established translators and other devoted supporters of literary translation. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support this important program, please contact Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at
This program is distinct from the ALTA Emerging Translator Mentorship Program. Recipients of the 2025 Emerging Translator Mentorship Program mentorship are ineligible for the 2025 Travel Fellowships. Previous years' mentees are welcome to apply.
Find out more about previous years' travel fellows here.
Applications must include:
- a cover letter explaining your interest in sharing your work with the ALTA community
- current CV / resumé (list any published translations, including excerpts or individual works published in anthologies, magazines, journals, etc.)
- up to 10 pages of translated work (single-spaced poetry or double-spaced prose)
- the corresponding original language text
The deadline to apply for a 2025 ALTA Travel Fellowship is March 17, 2025 at 11:59pm PT.
The timeline for the 2025 ALTA Travel Fellowships is:
January 13: Submissions open
March 17: Submissions close
Mid-July: Winners notified
Mid-September: Winners announced
Early November: Winners featured in reading at ALTA48 conference
Please direct any questions to Communications and Awards Manager Rachael Daum at